Thursday, September 10, 2020

Confirmation By Agnes.


This week in Religious Education we have been learning about Confirmation.
Confirmation is the second sacrament.

Video about Agnes and Helina's presentation.


This morning me and Helina shared our science presentation called Making a Lava Lamp.
Helina and I took it in turns to share our results and Conclusion in class. I learnt that the oil and water does not mix due to molecular polarity.

Lava Lamp Experiment By Agnes


Today we made a lava lamp as part of a Science Experiment. It doesn't work at night. Here are the instructions You can make it at home.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

film festival ipad movie.


This is movie is by Agnes, Sisiliah, Aadirai, Alya, Jenesys, Rocio. This movie is about saving water